I keep procrastinating on the entry of university life. I'm just lazy and I guess ever since I've finished my studies, all I've been doing is to enjoy life as it is relaxing and lazing around the house.
I'll be on it soon.
In the meanwhile, 2010 has been okay so far, considering it has been 7 days since the start of the year. I have a BBQ and a short holiday to look forward to, before going back to hell (National Service).
I had a bad day on the roads today. Asshats in their big cars who don't have the capabilities of handling a car of that size keep inching into my lane. Asshats.
I'm hoping to get a job soon, but all my brain tells me is to relax and rest. Condescendingly. After all, I'm just a lazy guy, with no ambition and probably only yearn for some shuteye.
This is my glob, I'm proud of it coz its awesome. This may sound narcissistic, but there is no denying it, I'm awesome. I put music on my blog, coz its awesome. If you don't like my awesome music, you may stop it manually below this awesome introduction. The 3 lovely ladies below the music player are mascots of awesomeness. Be awed by their awesomeness.