Saturday, April 17, 2010

Randomness of stuff

It’s been a while. I’ve got no one to blame but myself for the lack of updates. Laziness. I do not deny. Some random stuff that happened through these few weeks.

Vulnerability of love
A good friend of mine pulled the plug on his relationship with his girlfriend of 5 years. All along, I’ve always thought their wedding would be the first amongst our group of friends that I’ll attend. Stability is the main reason for my assumption. The news came as a shock to me. I understand that every couple have their fair share of quarrels and disagreement. The solution is usually compromise. But the question is, to what extent would compromise work. Sooner or later, it wears down both parties. At that time, would their love for each other be able to hold the fort and stay strong? Apparently for this case, it crumbled under that pressure. I wouldn’t say that I’ve lost faith in love, but the scepticism of the existence of love that is able to withstand anything exists. This issue has stressed the beliefs I have for love as to oppose dogmatism.

Is love really that fragile?

On the other hand, another buddy of mine recently got attached. It was plastered all over his facebook and comments rolled in, mostly with the teasing and congratulatory messages. A simple picture of meehoon bought by your loved one, spells blissfulness and it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling.

Then the question comes again, will this feeling of happiness last and withstand the tireless test of time? Certainly, I wish both my brothers the best. Be it at the end or start of a relationship.

Love, is definitely complex, we love to hate it, and we hate to love it.

Remedial Training
I’ve completed a cycle of remedial training at Bedok camp. It is time wasting and tiring, but I’m just glad it is over. I really need to get back in shape.

Qing ming
Qing Ming is here again, once again, the area near my house is jammed up every weekend. A simple trip from Bishan back to home usually takes 5 minutes. But with the traffic, I need to make a turn through Shunfu, back to upper Thomson and finally back home. The new journey takes 20 minutes with all the jam.

Every Qing Ming, my estate suddenly becomes like a condo. We have policemen stationed at both exits of my estate and they double up like security guards. They endure the sweltering heat and the unforgiving rain. And every time I drive up to them, upon seeing the car decal I have up on my vehicle, a smile forms across their faces. Two thumbs up!

I’ve recently stopped teaching two of my students, due to circumstances that I am unable to react to and carry on teaching. It has been two weeks already, still no news from their parent. To make things worse, it is their exams this week. Hopefully they’ve manage to pull through. I think I worry too much for them, I really have to learn to let go.

Kick Ass
Kick ass kicked ass! Awesome movie! With its slapstick humour and awesome action, it is really worth watching. Oh yeah, by the way Chloë Grace Moretz = Yummy !

Song of the moment – All the right moves by One Republic

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